Some fans seem to dislike this season but I see the season as a reasonable stepping forward point for the development of Felicity. Almost everything dealing with Felicity in this season will pay off in later seasons. Another great character that was set up initially in season 3 then developed this season is Damien Darhk. People seem to ha
Some fans seem to dislike this season but I see the season as a reasonable stepping forward point for the development of Felicity. Almost everything dealing with Felicity in this season will pay off in later seasons. Another great character that was set up initially in season 3 then developed this season is Damien Darhk. People seem to hate him but I thought he was a great villain no matter how OP he was. A great development that happened in this season was when CW introduced the Legends before giving them their TV show DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and introducing another villain: Vandal Savage: The Immortal. A concept that I thought was interesting was the introduction of magic to the Arrowverse however, some fans thought it didn’t fit the grounded world Arrow set since season 1. This was broken when CW introduced the Flash and the concept of superpowers.
I hope that one day CW will introduce magic-infused stories again and improve them. In addition to Felicity, she was great in the first two seasons of Arrow, however, when it became apparent that Oliver fell in love with her this meant season 4 didn’t just become about defeating the bad guys but also the relationship: the good, the bad and the ugly between Felicity and Oliver. And they started to fight about secrecy. I think what CW was trying to do was build Oliver’s world and relationships, so maybe people and fans wouldn’t get bored of every story being Oliver centric.
CW introduced John Constantine who was previously in his own show Constantine that was canceled. Constantine was a great addition to the Arrowverse. I hope that one day CW could continue what NBC couldn’t do with Constantine. Maybe they could involve Constantine going to Hell and back and hopefully, we are not just told this but shown.
Casual viewers and fans alike not only disliked Felicity and the inclusion of magic this season, but they also disliked the Flashbacks. I thought they were not that bad developing Oliver into the man he is now and having its story mirror the present-day storyline.
An interesting plot that played out throughout the entire season was John Diggle’s family. John had to deal with the consequences that came from family, and because this plot was hinted at and developed since season 1, I was invested in his story.
And lastly, Oliver's new suit for season 4 which I thought was cool and comic book accurate. In conclusion, although people have had their negative comments and thoughts about this season. I think the season structure and story was necessary for the overall development of later seasons.
Season 5 of Arrow has been called a return to form by many fans and the creators. I must agree as Arrow returns by developing a gritty and realistic story compared to the mystical and magic themes from the 4th season. In my opinion, season 5 is slightly overrated only because the main villain is like the Dark Archer from season 1. However
Season 5 of Arrow has been called a return to form by many fans and the creators. I must agree as Arrow returns by developing a gritty and realistic story compared to the mystical and magic themes from the 4th season. In my opinion, season 5 is slightly overrated only because the main villain is like the Dark Archer from season 1. However, besides that, the season is very good. I hope for later main villains Arrow adopts more interesting villains like Damian Darhk from season 4.
What was cool about this season is that Oliver goes back to killing the bad guys, because as mentioned in the first episode of the season if he was more willing to kill people when Damian Darhk was the threat, Laurel might have still been alive.
Another interesting thing about this season is the motives of the main villain Prometheus. He doesn’t want to kill Oliver for killing his Dad, he wants to make Oliver suffer; by hurting or killing the people he knows and loves. Additionally, the storytelling of the flashbacks has increased in quality. This time Oliver is in Russia keeping a promise that he made to a friend on the Lian Yu in season 4. In my opinion, the reason why the story of this year’s flashbacks has been good is that you see more of Oliver training as the Green Arrow and the writers have given the flashbacks more time to develop compared to season 4.
What also made the flashbacks great to watch is the villain of the flashbacks Kovar: played by Dolph Lundgren of Rocky and Expendables fame. Kovar was just as interesting as Dr. Ivo from season 2 flashbacks.
Another great thing this season is the character of Talia Al Ghul; a member of the League of Assassins, her presence was great this season and we even get more of her as the series develops. She was the one who completed Oliver's training becoming the Hood. I speculated that he had training from a member of the League of Assassins and I was right.
Fans have said that Arrow does its best when the Olicity complications aren’t apparent. So Oliver and Felicity aren’t a couple in this season. I must say it doesn’t matter if they are a couple or not, I say their chemistry is still great if they are not fighting or arguing. And, this happens in season 5 compared to season 4. Another complaint that fans have had was the action and fight scenes of season 4, which have improved in season 5. In season 4 the bad guys seemed to fail to shoot the good guys with their machine guns or drop unconscious after one or two punches.
Overall season 5 is a step up from season 4 with a great villain, story, and action.
Season 6 of Arrow is great in my opinion because for the first time in Arrow’s history Team Arrow came up against a group of villains. This helped the season’s episodes stop being stale or repetitive except for one main driving plot of the season where Oliver is accused of being the Green Arrow. Another great thing about this season is th
Season 6 of Arrow is great in my opinion because for the first time in Arrow’s history Team Arrow came up against a group of villains. This helped the season’s episodes stop being stale or repetitive except for one main driving plot of the season where Oliver is accused of being the Green Arrow. Another great thing about this season is the development of the plot where Oliver isn’t a Vigilante. This plot was lightly touched upon in season 1 and explored in season 3. This plot was great because you get to see certain characters develop in ways that would not be possible if Oliver Queen was still the Green Arrow. In addition season 6 gave the fans the two best episodes of the entire series so far they are: Fundamentals and Docket No. 11-19-41-73. I will review these episodes at a later date.
More about the villains. Season 6 gave me two of some of the best villains that Arrow has made. Cayden James and Ricardo Diaz: The Dragon. The reason why Cayden James is one of the best villains; is that Oliver couldn’t just punch his way out on his own to win. Oliver needed the help of his team to triumph over Cayden and a team of villains he brought together, as Team Arrow separated into two teams: Original Team Arrow: Felicity, Oliver and Diggle and New Team Arrow: Curtis, Dinah and Rene. Ricardo Diaz is another great villain. Because even when visiting a recycled plot from season 3 where Ra's Al Ghul exposes Oliver as the Arrow; in the case of season 6, Diaz exposes Oliver as the Green Arrow, this development was needed and exciting giving the episode Docket No. 11-19-41-73 to fans. Another reason why Diaz was a great villain, is that Diaz had the entire infrastructure of Star City in his pocket. He owned the Police and most members of the Star City Council. This made it very difficult for Team Arrow to operate. The storyline where Oliver gave up being the Green Arrow to spend more time with his family was an interesting one. Because of this fans could get to see more of Oliver’s life not only as a family man, but as the Mayor of Star City. This gave episodes that focused more on character development and less action; a certain amount of intelligence. And episodes that did show Oliver as Green Arrow almost all had one big action sequence which was amazing to watch. In conclusion season 6’s plot was unique to other seasons of Arrow, giving great character development and great action sequences.
Season 7 starts with Oliver Queen in prison dreaming of Felicity dying at the hands of Diaz. Derek Sampson is in prison with Oliver which will lead to a great fight scene in later episodes. Oliver finds a friend in prison who is not who he says he is, which will lead to great developments later in the season; affecting one character on a personal level. This season has some amazing fight sequences as well. And, also introduces a new Green Arrow, the reveal of who the new Green Arrow is will amaze and shock you. Felicity and William are in witness protection, which makes an interesting story as Felicity is usually with Oliver but not this time. Dinah is now the new Captain of the SCPD, which will develop into great dynamics between her and other characters, especially with Rene/Wilddog. Speaking of Rene he is now not only being a vigilante but teaches self-defense classes. Besides Sampson, Brick and Bronze Tiger are in prison with Oliver. Sampson is working for Brick and Brick has started a fight club in prison. Rene and the new Green Arrow start an interesting relationship, with a slight romantic undertone.
Season 7 has also started flash-forwards instead of flashbacks and I hope that after Arrow ends the flash-forwards becomes a new TV show for CW. The villain of the season for the first half is Diaz, which I mentioned before is cool because he has been the villain for 2 consecutive seasons, this has never happened before. Diaz died halfway through the season killed by the villain of the second half of the season. It’s kind of sad that they killed him off because I thought he was a great villain. The flash-forwards introduces an older William, and this might have happened because fans have been complaining about the acting abilities of Jack Moore who plays the younger William. Younger William is still in the season however, he seems to be on as a recurring role. The flash-forwards starts with William meeting Roy and this develops a slight mystery of why Roy was on the island when in season 6 present-day he left Star City with Thea to destroy 3 Lazarus Pits. Overall there are plenty of mysteries, great action, and great stories this season.
This season is the 8th and final season of Arrow and to be honest, I think that it's a great ending to a series. The only issues that I had with it are that there is almost a scene in each of the 10 episodes where you see Oliver being sad and teary, this was slightly depressing to see and it was a constant reminder that Arrow was ending. Don't get me wrong, those scenes were well acted, I have nothing against Stephen Amell or any other actors or actresses in those scenes with him.
The other issue that I had with the season is that there are some fight scenes where Oliver was too slow or being beaten or defeated by the opponent. It would have been great to see Oliver as the Green Arrow win more than 50% of the time, but I understand why this had to happen because the stakes are higher than ever and that this is the end of Oliver as he is getting tired and older; passing on the mantle to the new Green Arrow.
Talking about the new Green Arrow, the mantle was passed to Mia Queen; Oliver Queen's daughter. Some people and fans didn't like this because the actress who plays Mia made the acting choice of being angry all the time in season 7 where she first debuted. However, I think that the actress won the hearts of the fans when she started acting like a normal person this season showing a range of emotions not just being angry all the time. I understand why she chose to act angry when she first debuted because she was reflecting the emotions of Oliver Queen when he first arrived at Starling City in season one; because of this, I didn't mind the initial character of Mia.
If Green Arrow and the Canaries get a series order, then I hope we see more of a Mia Queen; who has a balanced range of emotions like angry/brooding as Green Arrow and happy and calm as Mia Queen when she is not suited up as Green Arrow. One thing that I like about this season is we see Dinah getting her powers back. Probably a result of Oliver's doing when he re-birthed the universe. One thing that was cool about Dinah's powers, including Laurel's is that it has a new effect like a blue mist with blue sound waves. There is a lot CW can do with Green Arrow and the Canaries if they start production, they can do things differently for the better in comparison to Arrow and build on the foundations that Arrow has made.
As you may know, season 2 of Arrow wasn't my most favourite season but still a good one and what season 8 did which was very interesting and cool, was bring characters back for one episode from the flashbacks of season 2: Yao Fei and Fyers. It was amazing seeing them back, as they were some of the highlights of season 2.
Another character that I thought was great, is Deathstroke: JJ as he is a strong villain: very dangerous and aggressive. I like the character dynamic between him and Connor, his adopted brother. Laurel Lance was great too, she and Oliver brought out the emotional aspects of the stories told.
A spin-off series that I hope will happen is John Diggle as Green Lantern. Apparently, there have been talks since season 1 about John Diggle being Green Lantern and I think now or soon is the best time to bring that to fruition. In conclusion, season 8 was a great final ride of the series.
Below is my thoughts on the 1st episode of Arrow season 8
This episode was great because it presents something new and did a great job at recreating certain moments of season 1. It looks like the new features of the episode are concepts that were thought of 7 years ago but were never used. However, they decided to use them for the final season before the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, to celebrate the history and success of the series since the show would end soon.
Before this episode was released, people and fans speculated from trailers about how CW would build this episode. I was one of those people and I thought that in some way Oliver time-traveled back to the events of season 1, however, that was not the case. The Monitor sent him to another Earth, Earth 2. I am happy with their choice because time travel was used in other movies and TV shows like Avengers: Endgame and Marvel’s Agents of Shield; the concept has gotten stale.
There have been BTS images, of this year’s crossover showing Oliver and Mia his daughter in the same scene. It seems like the only way this is possible is if Mia or Oliver time traveled: Mia traveling to the past or Oliver traveling to the future. I know that I said that time travel is a stale concept but maybe CW will come up with a new story device that explains how Oliver will meet Mia. Maybe they will use Holograms.
What I found surprising about this episode is that certain characters who are the bad guys, are good guys on Earth 2 and I thought that this switcheroo was great to build a unique story for this episode. Something that was teased before this episode was released is that John Diggle will spend more time with Oliver and we will see their friendship and loyalty grow through season 8. Another surprising thing is that something happens to Earth 2 and that is the reason why Earth 2 Laurel joins Oliver and Diggle on their journey to help the Monitor stop the Anti-Monitor.
Finally, something that happens to Thea in this episode that is the driving force of the story, which was referenced in season 1 and thinking about it now it was an interesting plot point; as for years, the creators of the series have said that nothing would happen to Thea. Maybe they forgot what they have said or lied to the fans of the series. I am glad in a way that what happened to Thea happened, because without it; the motives of the bad guy of the episode would not have been strong or believable.
In conclusion, this episode was a great callback to season 1 with great new features and I hope the next 7 episodes will be just as good.
Hong Kong
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