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Gotham is an interesting series, as it's not only the origins of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman; but the origins for almost all characters in the city of Gotham. And, to make sure that the series is not a carbon copy of the comics, there are a few changes and new characters introduced. One complaint I found of season 1 that I agree with is the series explores the death of Bruce’s parents. This has been done many times before on television and in games. Season 1 could have been more interesting if the creators skipped out on the death of the Waynes. And, made it so that Bruce was old enough to avenge the death of his parents. Bruce does avenge the death of his parents, however, it's not fully explored until season 2.
One of the new characters that were introduced was Fish Mooney played by Jada Pinkett Smith. I think that this choice for Fish to be one main villains for the Gotham universe was great. There was never really a female villain to face against Jim Gordon. The series in season 1 couldn’t focus on Bruce Wayne fighting crime as he is only 12 years old, due to the nature of the story being an origin and Batman was planned to be used in the movies. So the creators and writers decided that the focal character would be Jim Gordon, which I think is a great way to develop the story until Bruce Wayne is old enough to be the focal character. To end this review I think that Gotham is on a great start and can’t wait to re-watch and write about the future seasons.
Gotham season 2 is a great continuation of what happened in season 1. The new villain of the season is Theo Galavan who wants to kill Bruce Wayne because the Waynes disgraced his family. Jerome returns in season 2 to work with Galavan and he gets crazier. Talking about crazy, Barbara Kean becomes insane and also starts working for Galavan. Her mission from him is to kill Jim Gordon because Galavan believes that Jim was one of the people who will get in his way, to complete his mission to kill Bruce. After the Riddler kills his girlfriend by accident he befriends the Penguin because he wanted to perfect his skills of killing people and Penguin was the right man to see because he was on the GCPD's most wanted list.
"Going crazy" seems to be one of the themes of this season and in a strange way it brings a sort of dark humor to the season. Keeping audiences engaged and invested to the characters in the world. You would even root for the bad guys going crazy, feeling something for them; thinking will they recover and find some sort of redemption.
After Gordon kills Galavan, a new villain arises Mr. Freeze. He only became a bad guy because he was freezing people to see if they would thaw out but they don't and they died. He does however find that one of his victims does thaw out and survives being frozen. He has killed all those people to find out the right freezing technology that would not kill his wife because she is dying. He wants to freeze his wife to buy time to find a cure for her illness. This villain was interesting because he was different as he wasn't involved in Bruce Wayne's story. There's a new Captain of the GCPD: Nathaniel Barnes after Sarah Essen died, the previous captain was killed by the Jerome. Barnes was a nice addition to this season because he created a strong and sometimes scary presence. This season also introduces a new character in the form of Firefly. This character was interesting as in the series Firefly is a woman not a man like the comics. This creates a cool dynamic in the season. Overall the series was a great continuation. Can’t wait to see the development of characters such as Barnes and Barbara Kean.
This season starts with Jim visiting Lee, however, it doesn’t go well as Lee is seen kissing another man. Season one started with Jim slowly losing Barbara and a similar situation is happening with Jim and Lee. Although this seems like a repetition it still seems like a fresh story to tell as Barbara and Lee are two completely different characters.
Season 3 has a 6-month jump to show how Gotham City is coping with being terrorised by the escapees from Indian Hill, the police are not alone in defending Gotham; Jim Gordon has taken the street as a bounty hunter to takedown the escapees and find Hugo Strange.
There is a new love interest for Jim this season in the form of Valerie Vale, I think that she was one of the strongest characters in Gotham; sadly she was only featured in season 3. It looks like Jim has decided to become a bounty hunter, but any DC fan would know that this isn’t permanent. However, it would have been interesting to see this happen full-time if Jim never became Commissioner
Fish Mooney is back in season 3 in a villainous role organising crime, leading the Indian Hill escapees. This is great because Fish was a great villain in season 1 and I’m glad she is back. In the first episode of season 3, there is an encounter between Penguin, Tabitha, and Butch; which is setting up very tragic deaths in later seasons, and it's sad to see them leave. In this same sequence, events are setting up: the Sirens a team to include Barbara, Tabitha, and Selina, this will be awesome to see come together as they are like the Birds of Prey of Gotham or the Gotham City Sirens from the comics.
In addition, the story of a cloned Bruce Wayne from the end of season 2 continues, this is quite cool seeing David Mazouz’s acting range. I know that Gotham ends in season 5 and you see Bruce suddenly become Batman after a 10-year time jump, it would be great if DC hires David Mazouz again to play Batman or Terry Mcginnis and hire Micheal Keaton as Oldman Bruce Wayne.
There is an interesting development where Fish Mooney was resurrected with powers by Hugo Strange. However, the more Fish uses her powers the faster she dies. I think that this kind of had to happen because you can’t just use the same villain over and over for every season of your show, as they might become uninteresting. I think that if you were to use the same villain, you can only use them twice and no more than that or have the villain in flashbacks. CW’s Arrow has used Ricardo Diaz twice for two seasons and used villains in flashbacks; it has served CW’s Arrow well. So far Gotham using Fish Mooney twice in seasons 1 and 3 hasn’t made the series boring. Bruce takes a bold step, setting a meeting at Wayne Enterprise rooting out the Court of Owls. Who are the villainous organisation that was behind the Wayne’s murder.
On a side note, I’m currently watching Pennyworth a spin-off series of Gotham. There are two different organizations called The No Name League and the Raven Society; I have a feeling that either organisation becomes the Court of Owls. Overall, a lot has happened in season 3, continuing the greatness of Gotham. Can’t wait to re-watch what they do with Ra’s Al Ghul in next season.
Bruce takes one more step further to becoming Batman. Penguin makes crime legal if you have a license, this is interesting as it's a new spin on crime sprees. This season features Ra’s Al Ghul in length, he fits the Gotham universe but I still prefer the Ra’s from Arrow; as there was more material for him to use in that series. The only thing that I like about Gotham’s Ra’s is his appearance, he looks more like the classic character from the comics and animated TV series.
In addition to Ra’s, season 4 develops the Scarecrow story, which is something similar to what Arrow did in season 3 when they reintroduce Vertigo. Scarecrow’s fear toxins make some of the few scary moments in the first episode of this season. That I think is quite effective.
Scarecrow becomes the main focus in episode 2, carrying on his story from season 1. I hoped this version of his story happened sooner in past seasons, but I’m glad we are exploring more of him this season. What I love about the Scarecrow is the actor: Charlie Tahan, he really showed his range and the costume, which seems comic accurate and also looks like the Scarecrow from the Arkham games. I also like Scarecrow’s weapon of choice: a scythe; when he's committing crimes, it’s such a unique weapon. Something happens to Barbara Kean that gets her involved with a certain character, I don’t think that this happens in the comics, but I’m glad that the TV show did this to create something new and exciting.
Episode 3 has a short origin story for Ra’s Al Ghul and it's quite cool seeing his backstory. I wished there was something like this for Arrow’s Ra’s, but that’s in the past and I’m happy with what we got from both Arrow and Gotham. After a long break for the character of Carmine Falcone. He is back to play an interesting part in the TV series. This introduces a big bad of the show.
Penguin gets everything he wanted ever since season 1, this is a nice change in the story because before this season every time he got to the top, something or someone drags him down. The Riddler gets a new interesting story where his brain has got damaged. So this season he must find a way to get his smarts back. What’s quite interesting about Gotham’s Lazarus Pit, is that it doesn’t give the user bloodlust like Arrow’s Lazarus Pits.
The new character that is introduced through Carmine Falcone becomes caught up in Penguin’s master plans to become the King of Gotham and this plot shows how far both characters will go to get what they want. The creators of this season of Gotham made Bruce Wayne Batman at the young age of around 16-17. Bruce wears a proto-Batman suit gifted by Lucius Fox in episode 2. As crime-fighting suits go, I think the prototype suit looks great. This is a new approach to the Gotham and Batman story. However, it would have been interesting if the series focused on James Gordon then when he was old enough to reach comic book James Gordon; then they introduce adult Bruce Wayne as Batman.
In conclusion, even though it seems that Gotham copied Arrow, in featuring Ra’s Al Ghul in their season; it was nice to see what Gotham has done with the character and creating new and interesting stories with him.
Episode 1 starts with a Flashforward sequence of everyone united against their common enemies: Bane and his army.
Back in present-day, Gotham has been separated into turfs, including; GCPD, Scarecrow, and Mr. Freeze. This is an interesting development as you get to see some turfs fighting for resources to survive and since this is the last season of the series tension rises, as you don't know who will survive and who will die.
It would be great if there are spin-off series for those characters who have died this season. As you might think that those characters weren't given enough time to develop, or you simply want to see more of them.
Selina is suffering from an injury that Jeremiah inflicted on her at the end of season 4. When she gets cured with the help of Bruce and Ivy. It hinted that she might be developing special abilities. However, that was it; it didn't develop any further. This I believe was a total waste of a plot and maybe if the creators will it and WB and DC approve, then there could be a Selina Kyle spin-off series that shines a light on Selina's powers. Selina's powers weren't developed this season because the creators were only given 12 episodes to end the series.
There is a scene of Gordon and Bruce on a rooftop with a spotlight. This I believe is a nod to the future relationship between Gordon and Batman; this was a nice touch this season.
Gordon and Barbara conceive a child: Barbara Lee Gordon this season. Who in the future of the Batman universe would become Batgirl then Oracle. I think it's possible there could be a series focusing on an older version of this character if the creators decide in the future to revive Gotham. Gotham ended because CW got permission from WB DC to make a Batwoman series that would feature Gotham City. There could be some payback if season 2 of Batwoman fails and if the Arrowverse ends, then Fox could revive Gotham to include Batgirl and Oracle in the DC multiverse.
I think that this season is one of the best of the series, as the writers have placed the characters in a desperate situation fighting among themselves to survive. The Government will only help Gotham to recover from the events of season 4, and proceed with the mainland reunification if the criminal element of Gotham is eradicated and if it's a safe city to live in. During this season, we eventually find out that the Big Bad Nyssa Al Ghul going by the name Walker; wants to kill Bruce for killing her father: Ra's Al Ghul. She is pulling strings trying to stop the reunification as part of her master plan.
I think that CW's Arrow did Nyssa better than Gotham, as there was more material for the character to develop. I'm not sure if Nyssa stayed as a bad guy in the comics, though in Arrow she became a friend in the series and trained Oliver Queen's daughter to become a hero.
There is a kid named Will who finds his way to Gordon and gets refuge in the GCPD turf, Green Zone, called Haven: a safe place for anyone seeking shelter in Gotham. Sadly Will and other refugees die in an explosion: 311 dead, 49 injured, more than 24 unaccounted for, from a rocket launched by the Riddler; who was brainwashed by the big bad of this season. The death of the refugees and the person(s) responsible, were the central driving plot of this season, creating a mystery that the heroes had to solve. This is another reason why this season is one of the best of the series; there were not many filler episodes, the writers were able to create a focused overarching plot. The Kid: Will, Gordon befriended, although short-lived was a very important part of Gordon's character development. Will's death fueled Gordon to become a better hero and save Gotham.
David Mazouz who portrays Bruce Wayne has come a long way from acting like a scared child in season 1 to the young adult in season 5. And, I believe that his acting has got better since the beginning. This has made this season more enjoyable to watch, as all the cast brought their A-game. I'm hoping in future DC projects, WB and DC give David Mazouz a chance to play Batman.
The Riddler is coming to grips with his sanity again. This is a trope that seems to happen almost every season. You might say it's not creative. However, almost every season he has foils with different characters while dealing with his mental health. This makes him an interesting character giving interesting stories.
There is a storyline with a character called the Mother, which has a horror feel to it; I guess since the series is ending Fox went all out on creating the stories for season 5.
Not only did the desperation of trying to survive the events caused by No Man's Land cause the different turfs to fight against each other. But, Gordon and Penguin worked together to free Haven from the Street Demonz. This is another TV trope used of a bad guy working with the hero, though I thought it was an effective development; foreshadowing the event that happened in the Flashforward at the start of this season. Sure, Gordon and Penguin have worked together before, though this teamwork has never been more important to preserve the lively hood of the people of Gotham. That is further emphasized by the fact that this is the last season of Gotham.
I think Barbara is my favourite character because of her arc since season 1, developing from a sane person to someone insane, not afraid to kill people and be the Queen of Gotham controlling some parts of the City's underworld.
During the investigation that GCPD was conducting with Penguin and his men to find out who killed the refugees at Haven, they came across Zsasz whom they believed was a suspect. Zsasz didn't do much in this final season, but he didn't die so it's possible that he could be featured in future spin-off series. I thought for a recurring character he had a great presence in the series sometimes as comedic relief. CW will feature their own Zsasz in Batwoman season 2 played by Alex Morf. Who was in Gotham and Daredevil. It would be cool if the same actor who plays Zsasz in Gotham: Anthony Carrigan, plays the same character in Batwoman season 2, however, I guess that didn't happen because of other commitments.
Episode 5 is the introduction of Eduardo Dorrance who is an old army buddy of Gordon turned bad guy and he becomes Bane. It's specified that Venom was used to turn Eduardo into Bane. So you could say that Gotham's Bane is closer to the comic-book version of the character compared to The Dark Knight Rises' version. There are moments this season where Eduardo is holding on to his vest, like the way Tom Hardy did as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. This I believe, is simply referencing the movie.
What I have found interesting with the series as a whole is that even though Gotham has got closer to becoming a Batman show, the writers still find a way for Gordon to be the central focus of the plot. Making Gordon the actual hero of the series, not Bruce.
In episode 6 a minor bad guy: Magpie makes her debut. The same character was in Batwoman. It would be cool if the two magpies get featured in the Superman and Batwoman crossover. Or, in the next crossover.
Episode 7 is quite interesting as Jeremiah kidnaps a couple and makes them look like Bruce’s parents: Thomas and Martha Wayne with plastic surgery and also kidnaps Alfred. He was able to use Tetch's Hypnotic abilities to control them. This was a great episode because we get to see Jeremiah do the Joker thing and mess with Bruce Wayne. Jeremiah has messed with Bruce before but this time it was more deranged. In the comics Joker usually messes with Batman's head, but as you know this series is the origins of Batman; so the next best thing is to put Bruce Wayne in the spotlight of Joker's/Jeremiah's attacks. This is also a great episode because we get to see Bruce's parents again. it's always nice to see them in the series. I know they are not Bruce's parents, just wearing their faces however, the effect on Bruce is as if it's them. This time they are not in Flashbacks but in present-day. It would have been more interesting if there were Flashbacks in the series that didn't consist of the alley scene that resulted in their deaths. Just the family going out having a normal day would have been a refreshing pace. There was a storyline before season 5 where Alfred tells Bruce about Thomas taking Bruce hiking. It would have been better if we got to see that event unfold not just being told.
Near the end of this episode, the Joker is finally born. When Jeremiah falls into a vat of chemicals at Ace Chemicals like in the comics. I think that if this happened earlier in the series say season 3 or 4, the series would have probably got higher ratings; as the Joker is a high-profile character and the series could have got more seasons.
I understand why Gotham was not allowed to fully use Joker, as the character was used in the movie: Suicide Squad. Sadly this situation was not a win-win for DC, WB, and the creators of Gotham. As the movie failed at the Box Office and Gotham ended after season 5. There is a silver lining though, apparently with the new direction of the DC films; it's planned that there will be a spin-off series per movie. An example of this is Gotham PD a spin-off series of Matt Reeves's The Batman movie. I understand that this is not a continuation of Gotham but it's the next best thing and there will always be a chance of reviving Gotham in the future.
There is a killer this season who is a shapeshifter: Jane Cartwright. This episode doesn't connect to the overarching plot of the season. This break was needed because a season dedicated to an overarching plot can sometimes be overwhelming. Dix makes a return this season being a person of interest in the investigation to takedown Jane. It's great seeing him as he was an interesting foil to Bollock.
Jane was also mentioned in Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. It would be cool if CW introduces the character in Batwoman, maybe season 3.
It would be amazing if Dix and Bullock could be featured in Matt Reeves' Gotham PD TV series. I know that Bullock has had many major appearances in Gotham. However, Dix only had two major appearances over the 5 seasons.
Gordon's life has been threatened many times since season 1. It would have been interesting if Gordon died this season. If Gotham was revived with no Gordon, Bruce Wayne/Batman and many other main characters' lives would be so different. Some fans might be upset with this creative liberty but I think as times go on they would accept this change, as they have accepted the many changes the creators of Gotham have made; like the whole situation of Jerome, Jeremiah, and Barbara Kean.
Alfred gets injured in a battle with Bane and it almost mirrors what Bane did to Batman in the comics. Alfred survives but needs to use a cane.
There's a Nightwing reference, called the Nightwing Project. This is a gadget that Fox gives Bruce, a defunct next-generation stealth technology developed by Wayne Enterprises. This tech was used in a cool fight scene between Bane, Bruce, and Selina. They beat Bane using the stealth tech, that attracted bats that attacked Bane. It looks like this is where Bruce got the idea of using a bat as his symbol to fight injustice and become Batman.
The heroes and villains of Gotham band together to save the city from Bane, who is leading an army of his own. This sequence comes full circle to the Flashforward at the start of this season. I think this sequence would have been more impactful if it wasn't spoiled in the Flashforward.
During the war Penguin injured his right eye, this is a reference to his older comic counterpart where Penguin wears a monocle. At the series’ end, he also has a fake right eye.
At the end of episode 11, Bruce leaves Gotham. There is a 10-year time jump in episode 12 where you see Bruce return. The funny thing about this episode is the only important characters you see who have aged are Barbara Lee Gordon, Bruce, and Selina, introducing new actors for those characters. The rest of the main cast hasn't aged. However, Gordon did grow a mustache over the 10 years but shaved it off soon in this episode. This was a short-lived reference to his comic-book counterpart. Gordon wants to retire but we know that doesn't happen, because of his future working relationship with Batman.
We never get to see the actor's face who plays Bruce. He is only in his Bat-suit, in the shadows and you see his cape and hear the sound it makes when he moves. The filmmakers chose these methods to represent Batman in the finale because they weren't allowed to show him in his full glory as the character is being used in the movies. This will all change in Gotham PD and hopefully in Batwoman season 2 and 3. The great thing about Gotham's Batman; is that you hear David Mazouz's voice whenever the character speaks.
There has been recent tension between Robert Pattinson who will be playing Batman in 2022 and the Director of the movie Matt Reeves. This might mean that the planned sequels might not happen and Robert might not work on the Gotham PD series. If this Batman franchise fails in 2022. I hope CW can be allowed to make a Batman series possibly featuring Warren Christie as the hero of Gotham. Also, WB and DC could bring back Ben Affleck as the DCEU Batman after the Snyder Cut. In conclusion, although we didn't see much of Batman in the end, season 5 was a nice finish to Gotham.
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