Kai started his training as a Wu Assassin in the second episode of this season. His training took place in a plain of existence where time doesn't flow normally, so a year there are seconds in the normal plain of existence. It is not specified for how long Kai's training took place.
It may appear that Kai started and completed his training as a Wu Assassin in the second episode. Though I believe his training started in the first episode where his fight against evil and crime started. In my opinion the best way that I found to workout how long it took for Kai to complete his training, is to count the number of days in the first 2 episodes. It took roughly 4 days for Kai to complete his training, which is pretty impressive.
I am not trying to throw shade at Oliver Queen's training duration of 5 years in Arrow. The thing is that Oliver was human during those 5 years and Kai is basically superhuman. So you really can't compare them. Though comparing the training of Oliver Queen as the Spectre during the Crisis Crossover and Kai, Oliver mastered his powers in a couple of minutes. So I guess you can say that Oliver Queen was a better superhero. Thinking about it now if ever there was a crossover of DC's Oliver as the Spectre and Netflix's Wu Assassin: Kai, I would love to see that. I would be content though if Netflix creates a character similar to the Spectre and has him fight Kai in say a 2 hour movie, that would be so cool.
In the first episode of Wu Assassins the majority of the plot is a Flashback to the day before and this is the main focus of the episode. This technique used doesn't only apply to this TV show. The start of the Flashback shows the main character Kai cooking in a Restaurant Kitchen as he is a chef. This shows a piece of Kai's story without telling the audience and most of the time, in most TV shows and movies showing is better than telling.
The soundtrack of the series was pretty cool too that helps keeps you engaged in the show. There are interesting character dynamics between Uncle Six head of Triad, Kai, and an undercover police officer: CG, similar to the Rogues Gallery, Batman and Commissioner Gordon from the DC Universe; as you may know Uncle is the bad guy, Kai is like Batman and CG is like Gordon. What’s also great is that most of the main cast share equal screen time throughout the 10 episodes: especially Tommy and Jenny: brother and sister who are tied up with the Triad. In addition, I think there are some romantic undertones between Jenny and Kai. And, what is a show without romantic drama? In the case of this TV show; the romance was not overly apparent. Also, seeing Kai cooking with style and speed foreshadows his skills in martial arts.
A character named Alec McCullough has started a war with Uncle Six intending to bring back his family from the dead, which is the main driving force of the TV show's plot, and CG was assigned to help prevent that war. Initially as the audience we were given the idea that Alec wanted power and control to takeover the world and it wasn't revealed later that what he really wanted is to save his family. This bait and switch was really effective, for me at least as it made Alec a cooler and more sympathetic villain. Not only was he so close to gaining power and control but he was close to getting his family back.
What’s a cool plot development in the show was the Triad gathering all bald chefs looking for Kai after he was defending himself against the Triad and saves a friend in the first episode. The reason why the Triad think that Kai is a bald chef is to do with Kai’s new powers that allows him to cast an illusion of disguise making himself appear as a bald chef. The fight sequences throughout the series are amazing not just in the first episode.
There are flashbacks throughout the series, which I think are used very well; the earlier flashbacks explore the relationship between Kai and Uncle Six, and the fire effects of Uncle Six’s fire powers are pretty cool and unique. The camera work and the locations are pretty neat too.
Alec McCullough was a Wu Assassin then a Wood Wu, which makes him a real threat to Kai. Alec is just as a formidable fighter compared to Kai; since he was also chosen as a Wu Assassin in ages past. What was quite intriguing to watch between Alec and Kai is their stance on killing to achieve their goals; Alec is willing to kill to get what he wants and Kai isn't. Though in Kai's case he eventually feels like he has no choice when he believes that Alec Killed Uncle Six , as a result of Kai and Six growing closer over the course of the season. There seems to be a lot of swearing in the series but doesn’t distract you from the plot. The series explores Alec McCullough’s life which is pretty cool to witness, as his story was very unique in my opinion, him trying to save his family and the unique conflict between him and the heroes. One of the episodes tackles the topic of racism, which is great to bring awareness to the history of Chinese people in America.
Finally something happens near the end of season 1 that makes you question will there be a second season? In conclusion, there are somethings that I didn’t expect to happen, which was great and I hope to watch season 2.
This series follows a Chef named Kai who was being hunted by the Triad. A mysterious character gave Kai what she referred to as a monk piece, which gave him the powers of a Thousand Monks making him the chosen Wu Assassin. The mysterious character ordered Kai to kill the Warlords; who have waged war in China for years and plan to wage war in San Francisco if Kai doesn’t stop them.
The first episode is a bit of a slow burn but it’s intriguing enough with great action and fight sequences. The slow burn of the first episode allows the series to introduce different characters and ties the characters into the main plot. I believe the Warlords are working with the Triad.
The main villain of the series is Uncle Six played by Byron Mann who also played Yao Fei in the CW series Arrow. I have only seen Byron Mann play good guys and it's quite refreshing to see the actor playing a bad guy. There is an interesting Vader-Luke Skywalker relationship between Uncle Six and Kai, which is pretty cool to see unfold and is the driving force of the series. To end, I believe this episode was a great start to a Netflix series.
I was told that Homelander has a clone who is Black Noir in the comics. It might be the same for Season 3 of the Boys, as it was not made true or false in season 2. If it's told that the two characters are related in season 3, I think that it would be interesting if Homelander works with the Boys to takedown Black Noir. I know this is a common trope in Superhero TV shows where the bad guy works with the heroes, but it would still be cool to see.
Translucent has a funeral at the start of season 2 where Homelander promises to stop the Boys who killed him, this is interesting because we know that Homelander doesn't care for Translucent and doesn't care for protecting the people, this just adds to the fact that Homelander is truly an ignorant villain of the series.
I think, so far season 1 premiere is better than this season's premiere, as season 1 was a new and fresh experience for the fans and casual viewers.
Hugh is a wanted man with the rest of the Boys. And, Starlight is coping with being famous. Hugh together with Starlight are also coping with being a couple and it’s pretty interesting to see it unfold, as in season 1 they were just getting to know each other and Starlight at the beginning was unaware of Hugh operating with the Boys; now she is part of their team and trying to take Vought out from the inside.
There’s a new character Eagle the Archer. He is like the Green Arrow or Hawkeye of the series which is cool and I hope to see more of him in season 3. It’s nice to see a less conventional weapon like a bow and arrow used in the series.
Homelander is getting more deranged and it’s one of the appeals of season 2 that was established from in season 1.
Blindspot is a new short-lived hero of the Seven, as Homelander incapacitated him. Blindspot is like Daredevil from Marvel. It would have been cool to see more of that character, I think he could come back in season 3; if the creators wanted him too, he could be a good tracker to hunt the Boys.
The first episode focuses on the Boys minus Butchers, however, there was nothing much for them to do as they were just in hiding as they are wanted. I think the season 2 premiere would have also been better if it focused on the Seven, though we get that as the season unfolds.
Even though the premiere doesn't place the Boys in an interesting plot, we see them do more as the story develops.
Starlight and Hugh plan to expose Vought about them using Compound V to create Supers. This is a great development in season 2, an interesting way for the Boys to bring down Vought. Because of this, there are more scenes with Starlight and A-Train. A-Train starts to suspect that Starlight is up to no good and plans to tell Vought that she is going to expose the Company, however, Starlight tells A-Train that she knows about his addiction to Compound V, and because of this A-Train allowed her to expose Vought.
Episode 2 shows what Butcher was up to after the end of season 1, as he was not in majority of the season 2 premiere.
There is a short film of Butcher that apparently shows what he was doing during his absence from the season 2 premiere. This I will watch after I finish this season.
There is still tension between the Boys, which I guess is what fans like to see because it’s more interesting to watch than a team of heroes that work well together without problems. Another example of a team of heroes that fans liked. was from the movie Marvel's Avengers, the heroes in this movie butt heads and disagreed plenty before working together as a team.
One of the episodes shows Homelander trying to teach his son: Ryan how to use his powers. This will make Homelander regret teaching Ryan because Ryan will do something at the end of the season that will truly hurt his father.
At the end of season 1, the Deep was kicked out of the Seven because he sexually assaulted newcomer: Starlight and now in season 2 the Deep is going through therapy in the hopes to rejoin the Seven. This is an interesting development this season as we get to see a broken hero hopefully form into a better hero. This entire plot reminds me of the therapy session that Tony Stark had conducted by Bruce Banner during the after credit scene at the end of Ironman 3. This is just one of the many similarities that the Seven have with the Marvel, which is great to see.
A new character joins this season: Stormfront and it's announced officially that she is a new member of the Seven. As this season develops we are shown that Stormfront is more important to the story than we expect. She is actually the first Super that was created by Nazis, making her stronger and far more powerful than Homelander. We also find out that she is a racist.
Because A-Train is African American he starts to deal with racism from Stormfront. Not only did the Boys expose Vought using Compound V but they tried taking down the Company by exposing them using a Nazi: Stormfront working in the Seven; with the help of A-Train giving Starlight and Hugh the evidence. A-Train only did this to kick Stormfront out of the Seven so he could rejoin the team, as he was kicked out because he suffered a heart-attack from using Compound V to get faster. I hope to see more teamwork between him and Starlight, as they played a large part in the plot of this season and it would be interesting if they did the same in season 3.
In episode 3 Vought starts planning a movie featuring the Seven, during a meeting they start talking about a teaser trailer called Dawn of the Seven; which is a jab at the DCEU movie: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Stormfront kills Kimiko's brother: Kenji. You would think that this sends Kimiko on a warpath of revenge; however this never really happens, which I think was a lost opportunity that would have given Kimiko an arc to keep fans and casual viewers engaged.
Homelander has screentime with a Super called Doppelganger, who can shapeshift into anyone. He shifts into Madelyn Stillwell who died in season 1. It was nice to see Madelyn Stillwell again in season 2 as her interactions with Homelander shows how dark and disturbing Homelander is.
Starlight and Hugh go on a road trip with Mother's Milk to find information on a Super named Liberty, who they later find out is Stormfront. During the road trip, Starlight and Hugh start singing a song by Billy Joel, this was a nice and sweet moment between the two characters and I hope there are more moments like this in future seasons; as it was a nice break from all the seriousness, gore, and violence.
Butcher finds that his wife: Becca still alive and the scenes that he has with her I think are great, it makes Butcher more than a 2 Dimensional character; with feelings of sadness and love, so much more than what he was in season 1: harsh and ruthless.
It is shown this season that Queen Maeve is a Lesbian. I'm not sure if this is the same in the comics, however, I think that this development shows awareness to the LGTBQ community. I don't think that what the writers and creators have done is pandering, as Maeve's relationship was never overly sexualised.
There are other nice moments presented by Starlight and Hugh this season: An example of this is them having a normal conversation, again breaking away from the dark nature of the series.
Another aspect of Butcher's life that makes him more human is that he had a brother Lenny, who committed suicide. I know that I say it's best to be shown what has happened in episodes of TV and movies and not be told, but I think seeing Lenny's suicide would be too dark and might be disrespectful causing fan backlash.
Other than being told that Butcher has a brother, Butcher's father is introduced: Sam Butcher played by John Noble from Lord of the Rings fame. I hope that we see more of this character interacting with his son Billy Butcher, as Sam was a minor character in season 2.
There is an interesting development in season 2, where Vought is making Supers from the mentally ill at Sage Grove a mental health facility owned by Vought. This is where we see a Super called Lamplighter, who has the same powers as Pyro from the X-Men movies and comics. What's interesting about this is that the same actor who plays Lamplighter plays Iceman from the early X-Men movies starting from the year 2000.
There is a connection between Lamplighter and Frenchie that the writers could have developed even further and maybe they could have teamed up in season 3. Though this is now impossible as Lamplighter dies near the end of season 2 by burning himself alive. This was disappointing for me as I was hoping to see more of the Pyrokinetic character. I have a feeling that Lamplighter isn't truly dead, as there could be a Super introduced in later seasons that could resurrect dead characters like Lamplighter.
Even though the Leader: Alastair Adana of the Church of the Collective dies at the end of this season, I believe that the Organisation will play a bigger role in season 3, as their only purpose was to rehabilitate the Deep; which was mostly used as comedic effect of this season. I think they could be Vought's rival in season 3.
In the last episode, there is footage of Homelander telling Schools how to survive a Supervillain attack. This reminds me of a lot of the procedures of what the School: Garfield High had to go through in the TV series Black Lightning, in case of future attacks.
Earlier in the Black Lightning series, there was a already established deal to protect the school from the gang called the 100. Ever since that deal was broken the School board have been growing closer and closer to having procedures in place, to protect the students from the 100; including super-powered threats. This is another example of the many similarities between The Boys and DC Comics.
Near the end of this season, Ryan killed his mother Becca and injuries Stormfront badly. It would be interesting to see Ryan come back in later seasons when he masters his powers; as he could be a valuable member of the Boys. I'm guessing he could come back in season 4 played by an older actor.
In conclusion, the season though darker than season 1 was very exciting and enjoyable to watch.
This episode of The Boys (click the hyperlink to buy The Boys related products) was an interesting take on the Superhero genre. Instead of the usual Superman acts of heroism, there are mostly very dark and violent displays of villainous actions. An example of this is one of the superheroes kills a civilian, which in turn places her boyfriend on a path to try and put an end to the superheroes called the Seven. They are a group of supers like the Justice League but most of them are dark and twisted individuals. The superhero who killed the girlfriend is part of the Seven. Not only are these superheroes in this series bad people, but a corporation known as Vought owns them; they are using the image of being a superhero to profit and benefit from the normal populas, such as selling Vought Superhero merchandise.
In addition to the villainous actions of these superheroes, there are a number of supers who are perverts. This episode doesn’t shy from showing, so beware if you are a minor. The band of people who are fighting against the Seven are called the Boys, who so far are normal people but a friend told me that one or all of them gain superpowers in the comics; however, I’m not sure if this will happen in the TV series.
There are over 200 Supers under the Vought Umbrella and what I find interesting and hope is that some of them will rise up and fight Vought alongside of the Boys. Maybe with this we can see more Superman acts of heroism. To be honest I don't think we will see anymore of these 200+ Supers anytime soon, but Amazon has left a door open for many more seasons and spin offs of this series. I think mentioning that there are a lot more Superheroes out there in this episode was a great move to make audiences and fans want more.
Overall the first episode was great establishing the heroes and villains of the story and can’t wait to see what happens next.
The Boys has had an interesting first season. From the very first episode, the series didn’t shy away from the violence and it only gets bigger and darker as the series develops. The backbone of the story revolves around a character called Billy Butcher. He believes the world’s Superhero Homelander raped and killed his wife and he recruits a team of Humans to avenge her. As you know from my episode 1 review this show isn’t for everyone, so again if you are a minor stop reading and don’t watch The Boys. The second backbone of this series is based around another character named Hugh Campbell. His girlfriend was killed by one of the Seven named A-Train because he was on drugs called Compound V. This drug when used on Adult Humans gives them temporary powers but if used on Human babies gives them permanent powers. And, it was mentioned that the Seven were test subjects as babies given their gift by Compound V. Hugh Campbell became one of Billy’s recruits to take-down Homelander and the Seven. Just so you know my knowledge of The Boy is based on the TV show, not the comics. I suggest that you watch the TV show first before you read the comics to give the characters in the comics a voice, this is what I have been doing for the Arrowverse books and it makes reading a lot more fun.
Hugh Campbell is a character whom I think has the most development, as he was a shy kid at the start of the series and turns into a hero in his own right at the end of season 1. In later episodes, Hugh starts seeing a newcomer to the Seven: Starlight; who has the ability of super-strength, invulnerability, and the ability to generate and manipulate light. As the story unfolds Hugh was ordered by Billy to date Starlight, however, falls in love with her and this makes great developments when the Boys try to take-down the Seven from the inside with Starlight's help. Overall the series was dark but surprisingly very good and I didn’t think Amazon Prime was capable of creating a great show.
This movie was a great thrill and action fun ride. In my opinion, it might be one of the best movies in 2019. The thing that has made the movie the best is not only the action but the sense of family and the banter between Hobbs and Shaw. What came first in the movie was the theme of family between Shaw, his mother, and his sister, Hattie. The actress who played Hattie: Vanessa Kirby was a great addition to the banter of the movie. She was not only able to hold her own in the dialogue scenes but action scenes as well. There have been casting news that Vanessa Kirby could be playing Catwoman in the latest Batman movie. From the way she did her stunt and action scenes, I can see that she can be Catwoman. The villain of the movie played by Idris Elba: Brixton was a great villain, the movie explored a backstory between this character and Shaw, which was quite interesting. At the end of the movie, there was a hint to a sequel that could explore in more detail the relationship between those two characters. What was also interesting that hasn’t been explored in other Fast and the Furious movies, is the concept of superpowers. Brixton was cybernetically enhanced by something that was shown not in full detail and not explained but I'm sure will be explored more in the sequel. The movie was amazing, exploring; great action and family between all characters including the Hobbs’ family.
Godzilla vs Kong was great, not as good as the first Godzilla movie: Godzilla (2014) and better than Kong: Skull Island (2017) and Godzilla: King of Monsters (2019). It's the highest-grossing Monsterverse movie to date making 300 Million Worldwide.
When the Titans were on screen I was engaged in the film. However, when it came to the Human characters I was slightly bored. Except for when a certain character; Jia portrayed by Kaylee Hottle, who has befriended Kong. Her relationship with the Titan was the best thing in the movie other than the action. What was cool about their relationship; was that they were able to communicate with sign language, as Jia is deaf. And, an interesting fact Kaylee is deaf in real life. I think that Jia's and Kong's friendship is the first step between the Humans and the Titans coexisting.
Things that happen in this movie that was visually stunning but I didn't like, was the fact that when Godzilla was on a rampage because of Apex Cybernetics: the evil organisation and when he was fighting Kong and Mechagodzilla, he caused so much destruction killing a lot of people. There were scenes where we see people evacuating to safety however, surely not everyone was sent to safety in time. The writers could have made it so that the Titans and Mechagodzilla fought in an unpopulated area. Though maybe in a later film the Human characters will create tech to defend themselves.
You could say that this possible future plot was kind of used in this film with the creation of Mechagodzilla. Though the reason why it was built is because main bad guy: Walter Simmons CEO of Apex Cybernetics whose company's funding built Mechagodzilla had the sole purpose of world domination. In addition to destroy the Titans so that Humans can stay as the dominant species. Though he didn't seem to care about Human lives. The irony in his mission I believe made him a more compelling villain.
The most pointless plot in the film was when Millie Bobby Brown's character: Madison Russell and her two friends: Josh Valentine and Bernie Hayes, sought out to prove that there's a good reason why Godzilla was on a rampage attacking Apex Cybernetics. The reason why their story had no impact on the film; is that they were only used to insert bad humour. And, they didn't tie into the main plot of Kong's and Godzilla's rivalry. If Madison, Josh, and Bernie were not in the film the movie would have remained unaffected. It seemed like the reason why Millie Bobby Brown was in this film is that she was contractually obligated to be in it.
Other than the action, the CGI was amazing. In the film, the Humans go on the quest with Kong in search of Hollow Earth. An Earth within Earth. This is where Kong came from and he finds a weapon that he uses to fight Godzilla. I'm hoping that if the next movie is not a team-up movie; as two Titans found respect for one another after teaming up defeating Mechagodzilla, it should be a prequel. Where we see the origins of that weapon. The weapon has one of Godzilla's scutes attached to it and has the same energy signature as Godzilla's atomic breath. It's possible in the prequel Kong's kind was at war with Godzilla's kind and I think the weapon is an indication that Kong's ancestors won the war. Overall the movie was visually stunning when we see Kong and Godzilla in action and I hope to see a future installment of this universe of movies in the next 2 years.
Tenet is an interesting movie, however, there seems to be a few moments of downtime throughout but when the film starts to mess with the natural flow of time: so objects and people start to move backward in time that’s when it gets intriguing, in the movie they call it inversion.
The two standout characters, in my opinion, are the Protagonist and Neil played by John David Washington and Robert Pattinson respectively. Neil might be my favourite character in the movie as he was great and played brilliantly by Robert. This favourite of mine is biased as I have seen Robert in the Batman trailer playing the caped crusader Batman, which at first I didn’t like but it’s now growing on me. And, although you don’t see much of Robert acting as the character in the trailer compared to the entire film; there is a scene of Batman punching the hell out of a criminal near the end of the trailer, which was very dramatic and cool making me more of a fan of the Batman character from the comics and animated medium.
More about the connection to the DC movies. People and fans of Tenet wants to see John David Washington as a Green Lantern in the DCEU, in my opinion, the actor who played the Protagonist was great but I don’t think he has the right build to be; John Stewart in the DCEU. However, he could work out to change my mind or the minds of other people who share my opinion. Fans of superhero movies say that body types are important for certain characters like Batman and they have said Robert wasn’t the right choice to play him as he didn’t look like a Ben Affleck Batman, but Robert proved us wrong and John can do the same for the role of Green Lantern if he gets it.
A lot of research has been done to represent the physics, rule of time travel, and the concept of inversion in the movie. Even though it was hard to keep track of all these rules and how they play out into the plot of the film, I think the re-watchable of this movie is high as you can learn and understand more about the film’s universe every time you watch it.
Besides the story being intriguing as you want to understand more, the action was amazing from crashing a plane into a building and gunshots being displayed in reverse. In conclusion, although it was sometimes hard to keep track of the plot, I was still engaged in it and enjoyed the action elements of the film. This movie might be the best in 2020.
This movie was interesting. The first and second third of the movie was very much like a Nickelodeon film. However, when the last third of the movie rolls around, it was great; as it was just a long action sequence with Sonic running and destruction happening. All the action sequences were amazing and I think that they carry the movie. In addition to the action sequences, what also carries the movie is the heartfelt moments that are sprinkled throughout the film. I almost cried when there were moments like that. The one thing that I would say that was a downer, which might be something that people would like to see and experience are the moments in the film where you see a sad and isolated Sonic. I think what the filmmakers were trying to do here is make the audience empathize with Sonic, but to me, it was kinda depressing. There are two tags in the movie, one before the credits and one midway through the credits and I think that they were amazing, surely setting up a second and third installment for the franchise. Lastly, I think the movie would have been better if it was set mainly in Sonic’s homeworld or other places but Earth, maybe they will do that for the sequel. In conclusion, I think the film was interesting with great moments and action sequences.
This movie was great. It was able to establish a time jump to when our heroes went from High School to adult work life and travel around the world, effectively in the intro of the movie. At the end of the second movie our heroes destroyed the Jumanji game, however mysteriously it comes back to play; I will not say how. The movie starts with one of the main characters: Spencer struggling in life after High School. He makes a bold move wanting to return to a life of adventure and drags his friends into trouble. I think that the acting of the entire cast was great. Except one; when Dwayne Johnson was acting as another character new to the series. He kind of overacted, and that slightly put me off the movie and plot. This was just a minor issue for me. The MVPs of the film I must say were Kevin Hart and Jack Black. They played old characters from the second movie and new characters from this movie very well. They were able to deliver serious lines of dialogue and bring great comedy to the film. Even though Jack Black acted great, when he started acting like Beth it was slightly off-putting. This was another minor issue, strangely this was not a problem in the second film. Lastly, the trailers of the movie advertised that some characters will die, but you will be glad to know that this doesn’t happen. However, a character does leave in some capacity at the end of the film. Overall the film was a great comedic ride with some heartfelt, touching moments.
This movie was a great murder mystery. Before the movie started, I had an idea of who was the bad guy and I was right; I won’t spoil who it is here. All the actors and actresses did a great job in the movie. Daniel Craig played a private investigator and he had a strange Kentucky accent. At first, I thought that the accent was weird; but as the film developed Daniel’s accent weakened, which made the film better to watch. The only complaint that I had with the movie was near the end. Where an analogy of a donut was used to solve a crime; this was funny but I still thought it was out of place and this film was written and directed by Rian Johnson; in some ways that explains it as for a lot of people, he ruined the Star Wars movie: The Last Jedi, a movie that he also wrote and directed. However, I thought that the Star Wars movie was okay. So for some viewers, Rian ruined Knives Out. Another great actress is Ana de Armas, her character was important in the film as certain events center around her and she had a strange quirk that played an important part. My favourite part of the movie was when the film focused on Chris Evans who plays Ransom, whose grandfather died and the plot revolves around his death. Chris played many parts of Ransom’s persona. He was a jerk when he needed to be, to fuel the comedy of the story and he also acted seriously when the plot needed to develop. The fact that Chris Evans was in Marvel movies helped me like his role in this movie. In conclusion, I thought that the movie was a great murder mystery and it's the first murder mystery I have watched in a long time, this movie for me is the gold standard of that genre.
Now this is an interesting movie fans and casual viewers alike seem to hate. For the reasons that it’s slightly copying the story from X-Men: The Last Stand, the inclusion of the Phoenix Force. People don’t seem to care for this latest installment to succeed, because it’s the last Fox X-Men movie before the MCU starts making their own X-Men movies. Another reason why people hate this movie is a death scene was featured in one of the movie's trailers. Thus spoiling the film for the audience. The Director Simon Kimberg made a statement; saying the reason why the death scene was spoiled in the trailer, was that he wanted the fans to know that the movie meant business and the its plot was a serious one. In my honest opinion, I thought the movie was great. Great characters and the acting was okay besides Charles Xavier. James McAvoy was acting a bit over the top in some scenes, but it made sense for the development of the character, movie and the ending. I thought the movie could have fleshed out the story for the villains more, but what we got I was okay with. Sophie Turner’s acting was great too; the way she swapped from thinking straight to being the villain.
Click the hyperlink in the review, to buy X-Men related products.
Overall I think the ending of the X-Men franchise was a good one and I hope the MCU will develop these actors and these characters into their movies.
This movie was better than I expected. I didn’t want to see the film when I heard that it had a 46% Rotten Tomato rating, but I went to see it anyway and I must say that the film was great. Except for the first quarter. The movie started by focusing on the human characters which were slightly boring but when the monsters started to fight and cause destruction, it was great. This movie apparently will link to the King Kong movie franchise and I expected to see a King Kong end credit scene but that never happened, instead there was a scene that set up a third Godzilla movie. This film had references to the King Kong Skull Island movie, which was cool. But, again I hoped to see a King Kong end credit scene, which might happen in the third Godzilla movie.
Click the hyperlink in the review above to buy products related to Godzilla. Overall the movie was great and I can’t wait to see the next two movies.
Hong Kong
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